An autodidact passionately addicted to watercolour, Sandi is a retired Paramedic/ Officer-in-Charge and Physician Assistant. Having spent some 16 years travelling the world, including sailing her oceans, Sandi has been immersed in the wildlife and wild places of this planet, providing a wealth of inspiration.
With no previous art experience, Sandi began painting in 2012 after a life-changing event. Her first work won Best Emerging Artist and she has since gained a global reputation and collector base, and is a Signature Member of the prestigious Artists for Conservation.
Capturing the essence of her subject with exquisite focus leaving the remainder in semi-abstracted form, Sandi uses allegory to draw thoughtful parallels between her subject and the human condition, often depicting her dedication to help protect endangered species and the wild places of our planet.
“Her work is soulful, spontaneous, provoking an emotive response, sparking a memory or transporting one to a special place; filling the work with atmosphere and emotion.” Santa Fean Magazine
Sandi works freely and loosely allowing her choice of pigments to move and interact with the water and each other in a dance across the paper, rarely mixing in the palette.
Her work is represented internationally and features in private collections in Australia, the USA, China and Europe.
Sandi also creates a special annual painting for ANZAC Day the giclees of which help to raise money for “Soldier On” and “Path of the Horse”, donating other works to raise funds and awareness for animal conservation, currently koalahospital.org, Living with Wolves, and Project Orangutan.
The Longworth Gallery, Santa Fe, USA
Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
2020 - The Santa Fean, Editorial
2019 - The Santa Fean, ‘Must Know Artists’; Fine Lifestyles Magazine; Guest Life Magazine
2018 - Western Art Collector; Fine Lifestyles Magazine; The Santa Fean, Guest Life Magazine, NOW Magazine; Southwest Art
2018 - Artists for Conservation 2018 International Exhibition of Nature - Birds coffee table book
2017 - Fine Lifestyles Magazine; The Santa Fean
2017 - Artists for Conservation 2017 International Exhibit of Nature in Art coffee table book
2016 - Southwest Art April and May, Fine Lifestyles Santa Fe, The Santafean, Inside Santa Fe, Focus Magazine Manning and Great Lakes article, Hallidays Point News of Our World article
2015 - Fine Lifestyles Santa Fe
2014 - Hallidays Point New of our World
2020 - QWASI Biennial International Nature in Art 2020, Overall Best Wildlife Art on Exhibit, and Best Fauna on Exhibit, QLD
2018 - Honourable Mention - SKB Small Works Exhbition, Wyoming
2017 - Highly Commended - Watercolour Port Stephens Art Prize
2016 -Winner Open Painting - Inaugural Lakeside Festival Art Prize
2016 - Highly Commended - GLAS Annual Open Exhibition, Forster, NSW
2016 - Dubai Emerging Artist Award - finalist
2014 - 2nd place open media, 2nd place watercolour - Atherton Show, QLD
2012 - Best Emerging Artist - Mission Arts, Qld
2019 - Watercolour Duo Exhibition - joint exhibition with Mr Charles Frizzell at The Longworth Gallery, Santa Fe, NM; SKB Foundation Small Works Exhibition, Dubois, Wyoming; Annual Artists Exhibition - The Longworth Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2018 Artists for Conservation/27th World Ornithological Congress - Vancouver, Canada, ‘Silent Skies’ Mural (6 pieces) to go on world tour; Watercolour Duo Exhibition - joint exhibition with Mr Charles Frizzell at The Longworth Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2017 Artists for Conservation Annual Virtual Exhibition - two works selected; Watercolour Duo Exhibition - joint exhibition with Mr Charles Frizzell at The Longworth Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2016 Annual Open Exhibition ongoing - GLAS Gallery, Forster, New South Wales
2015 ongoing - The Longworth Gallery - Santa Fe, NM, USA
2015 Cairns Art Society’s Artist of the North - Tanks, Cairns
2015 Cairns Art Escape Exhibition of artists’ work - Tanks, Cairns
2014 Yungaburra Village Artists - Exhibition & auction
2014 Cairns Art Society 67th Annual Exhibition - Cairns Regional Art Gallery, two works selected as finalist
2014 TAP Gallery - Darlinghurst, New South Wales
2014 ‘Freedom’ Solo Exhibition - Hallidays Point Library & Gallery, New South Wales
2014 Lakeside Festival - Forster, New South Wales
2014 Tolga Woodworks & Gallery - booked as the solo exhibiting watercolour artist for the year
2012 Cairns Art Escape Exhibition of artists’ work - Tanks, Cairns
2012 Mission Arts - Mission Beach, Queensland - exhibition post awards for one year
Artists for Conservation Signature Member
National Watercolour Society (USA)
Wildlife Art Society of Australia
National Association for Visual Artists Inc
Queensland Wildlife Artists Society Inc
Yungaburra Village Artists
Have been with gallery247 for 6 years, both free and now paid. Wonderful on line platform for artists which has made my work easy to find and i don't need to worry about setting up my own website; they even forwarded a message from a community college i volunteered for a few years ago, for an art tutor.
Date: Mon 27 Nov 2023