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Broken Hills

Description : Broken Hills depicts the texture and rawness of a true Australian scene ,feel the heat sense the dryness .See new growth desperately trying to survive but in the middle of it all see how beautiful the colours and textures are . Wooden black washed frame .

NRN # : 000-46065-0141-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 63.50 cm X Width - 63.50 cm )

Medium on Base : Acrylic on Stretched Canvas

Genre : Abstract

Status : Sold


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Copyright : © Nichola Roberts


Framed: $330.00

Nichola Roberts

Melbourne Australia/ ApolloBay

Hi , I paint because it makes me feel good , it energises me when I’m tired and I get lost in the process .
I love to layer textures and colours , each painting emerges eventually from the layers to show itself. Painting is so therapeutic and liberating ,I feel we gain a little bit of escapism when you find a painting you love .
As I am also a Reiki Master each canvas absorbs healing energy as I paint .I listen to beautiful calming music when I work , I find this inspires me and helps with creativity.
Each artwork takes me on a unique journey until the final result emerges.I hope you find as much joy in my creations as I do in crafting them.
Nichola R.


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