Tell your friends about Summer Heat

Summer Heat

Description : Abstract representation of summer landscape. SOLD at Linden Postcard Show 2020

NRN # : 000-37056-0172-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 20.32 cm X Width - 25.40 cm )

Medium on Base : Mixed Media on Canvas

Genre : Landscape

Status : Sold


Artist has followers

Copyright : © Meri Andric


Un-Framed: $200.00
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I'm a full time artist with a home studio in Sydney.
As a survivor of war, my work is deeply emotional and influenced by contrasting experiences of my joy for life, peacefulness and compassion with memories of horror, sadness and grief.
I communicate the celebration of freedom by rejecting the confines of pre-determined styles, where each artwork is being infused with a different vibe and message. My willingness to always explore new techniques pushes the boundaries by being unpredictable and bold – purposefully surprising my audience with every new creation!
Art lovers can experience and view my art displayed online and in person at various art competitions and exhibitions across Australia.
Some of my works are generally exhibited at the "Hunter St. Gallery of Fine Art", Parramatta.
Also, being a member of several Sydney's Art Societies I have a further opportunity to frequently display my works at various members’ exhibitions across Sydney.

Furthermore, I am currently studying a Diploma of Visual Arts at Nepean Art and Design Centre. This great course shall enrich my experience and encourage self-expression in innovative and experimental approach; a new and fresh beginning. Stay tuned!


October 2019, Commended for "Somewhere in Between, Fairfield Art Society, Members Exhibition 

June 2019, Commended for "Rainy Day at Lake Lugano", Fairfield Art Society, Members Exhibition 

May 2019, 1st prize for "Selfie" in Contemporary section, Autumn  Exhibition 2019, Macquarie Towns Art Society Inc.

May 2019, Highly Commended for "Her Universe" in Contemporary section, Autumn Exhibition 2019, Macquarie Towns Art Society Inc.

October 2018, 3rd prize for "Landscape #5", Foundation Week Arts Award 2018 - City of Parramatta Art Society 

Exhibiting since 2014.

Invest in original and timeless art that will enhance your living space adding an extra colour and warmth to you everyday life.

Artshow: Fairfield Art Prize, May 2019
Award: Commended for works on paper
Sponsor: Fairfield City Art Society Inc. & Club Marconi
Artshow: Macquarie Towns Art Society Inc. Autumn 2019 Prize
Award: 1st in Contemporary Section
Sponsor: Richmond Art School










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