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Description : I am a chronically ill and disabled artist and Lord Ganesha (Indian God of removing obstacles) took me 6 years to paint. I feel he really lives up to his name as I had to employ all different creative solutions in order to complete this oil painting. I alternated between, sitting, kneeling and standing. I had to use pacing for short intervals, sometimes only managing 10 minutes at a time. I also had a long stint of about 9 months where I was completely bed-ridden and could not work on it at all. I had to paint him upside down half the time and had assistance from a carer or friend too. Now that he is complete I feel a huge sense of achievement and hopefully can inspire others like me to create art and that anything is possible with enough passion and determination. Ganesh has layers of luminous glazing adding to the 3D look of the oil painting on stretched canvas. He is a riot of deep and rich colours that can only be truly appreciated in the flesh. I studied literally hundreds of traditional representations of Ganesh before drawing my own original interpretation (which took 1 year). I wanted to show him in the various stages of life with a little cheeky baby elephant on the right hand side sneaking a "modak" (a sweet confection and symbol of everlasting bliss) and then another teenage elephant rampaging without abandon into the scene. Ganesh has a throne perched on top of a flying carpet as I wanted to emphasize him in more of a celestial way as most traditional depictions of Ganesh are of him on the ground and surrounded with a plethora of sacred objects.

NRN # : 000-43829-0139-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 122.00 cm X Width - 91.50 cm )

Medium on Base : Oil on Stretched Canvas

Genre : Other

Status : For Sale


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Copyright : © Melissa Pym


Un-Framed: $2649
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Outside Australia: $550.00

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