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1,393 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



Helen P


Ella Pérez


Fay Paalmer


Anne Pace


John Pace


Nicolle Pace


Rosalind Pach


Jim Packer


Jo Packham


Carolyn Packwood-Bechard


John Padget


Sugeeth Padiyath


Sandhya Padma (35)



My Bio: I am a self-taught artist, emerging out of my hobby-painting phase into the real and fascinating world of art. I have been painting mostly with acrylic and have recently started to train myself in oil. My idea about art has been deeply influenced by my Indian upbringing, culture and tradition. For the same reason, my Indian back ground can be seen reflected in most of my earlier works. I hope to become versatile enough to do various streams of pa...
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Brian Paech


Chiara Paganini


1,393 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



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