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Artists Directory (144)

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144 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



Huss I-aden


̝랑 ̗


Stef Iannelli


Peter Ibbott


Ayat Ibrahim


Romina Ienco (19)



My Bio: Hi! I'm Romina. Friends and family call me Mimi. I've travelled a long way from Rome (Italy) to Adelaide where I'm now based and in the blink of an eye, 12 years have gone by! Back in Rome, I studied the art of painting with different mediums (acrylic, oils, soft pastels and powdered colours). My learning continues today in the form of abstracts and landscapes. St. Angel's Castle in Rome showcased my paintings back in 2008 and my work i...
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April-Kaye Ikinci


144 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



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