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2,250 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



Matthew C


Sandra C


Margarita C Lopez


Arunlal C M


LïLy Cönnör


Saturnino Alejandro Caballero Céspedes


Wendy Caban


Lorena Cabezas


Mowinganesync CabhfanesyncIZ


Lesley Cabot (4)



My Bio: Hi my name is Lesley and I came to enjoy art later in life.  It started with my daughter taking me to a water colour art class for my 58th birthday.  I then enrolled in resin, acrylic and drawing classes and discovered that resin and acrylic abstract art are where my passion lies. i enjoy creating resin and glass pieces and acrylic on canvas. I'm constantly learning new techniques and experimenting with different colour hues. ...
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Amy Cabral


Caroline Cabral


Frank Cabral


Marian Caccianiga


Charmaine Cachia


2,250 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



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