Artist Bio: Della Davis |
My career took priority for many years, but as with all things life did I. As I crossed the border back into my home state of South Australia I was swept away by the colours of the landscape. The purples and blues of distant hills mingled with wheat coloured fields and soft cream ridges. The vastness stretched out before me. I was home, and it felt good. Something greater than me had already painted this canvas. I decided then and there to do one of my own and so began my joy of painting. My love of art has been longstanding and visiting galleries around the world has always brought me great joy. Some pieces even bringing me to tears. I was never formally trained but instead feel my art, so choose subjects that create an emotion that can be expressed in a painting. I wanted to continue with my new hobby and learn more about technique so was fortunately introduced to a wonderful artist and now my teacher, Trevor Newman. Trevor has encouraged my work and always says I am like no one else he teaches. Not sure if that is good or bad, but it seems to have worked so I continue in the style I have. The testiment to that is that I have entered only 2 Art Shows and won a Silver Aquisitive Prize in "The Victor Harbour" Art Show in 2016 and a Highly Commended Certificate in "The 2016 Blackwood Rotary Art Show" I was also thrilled to have sold paintings at both art shows. A number of pieces of my work are now in America. I had an avid fan of my style of work who took them across to decorate his home, now that he has retired to Texas. He has commisioned a few pieces, including one of the view across a moonlit lake from his sister's home in Alabama. I hope you enjoy looking at my work, and if I can paint you an emotion please contact me through Gallery 247 Cheers Della Davis |