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29,906 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



Barrie Aarons


Margit Aarskov


Carolann Aartsen


Veer Abani


Veer Abani


Liliane Abarnou


Trudy Abbatangelo


Linda Abblitt


Malcolm Abbott


Marguerite Abbott


Marwa Abdallah (13)



My Bio: I am a self-taught artist who grew up in Cairo, Egypt and moved to Melbourne in my mid-thirties. I am fascinated with abstract art, the way a harmonious combination of color tones can stir up emotions, thoughts, and memories when you look at it, or just gives you a sense of peace and beauty. Nature is my biggest inspiration - I love flowers, forests, seascapes, and cosmic images. I like to play with different types of colors and mediums, but most...
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29,906 artists published: Showing artist 1 - 20



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