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Description : None

NRN # : 000-2082-0137-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 77.00 cm X Width - 95.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Mixed Media

Genre : No Genre Entered

Status : Sold

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Copyright : © Ann Wallace


Framed: $480.00
Un-Framed: $400.00
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Ann has long harboured a desire to paint, but it is only in recent years that she has been able to devote the necessary time to develop her skills.

Her early works were in oils and acrylics but in 2008 Ann took up watercolours in a serious way, accessing expert tuition from renowned artists with regular classes and numerous workshops.

Ann's subject matter began with landscapes, then after holidaying and painting in Europe she started to paint more street scenes. Ann found that she enjoyed including people in her paintings so much, that she now concentrates on human interest subjects with portraits of people and animals in both watercolour and mixed media.

Artshow: Mount Eliza Art and Design Show
Title: Camel Master
Award: People\'s Choice Award
Artshow: The Bayside Art Show 2019
Title: Wallander
Award: Best painting to the value of $700
Artshow: The Bayside Art Show 2019
Title: Wallander
Award: Best painting to the value of $700
Artshow: The Bayside Art Show 2019
Title: Wallander
Award: Best painting to the value of $700
Artshow: The Bayside Art Show 2019
Title: Wallander
Award: Best painting to the value of $700
Artshow: The Bayside Art Show 2019
Title: Wallander
Award: Best painting to the value of $700
Artshow: The Bayside Art Show 2019
Title: Wallander
Award: Best painting to the value of $700
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