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Succulant Day

Description : None

NRN # : 000-42494-0181-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 90.00 cm X Width - 90.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Acrylic on Stretched Canvas

Genre : Abstract

Status : Sold

Artist has followers

Copyright : © Alex Hoernlein


Un-Framed: $790.00
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My name is Alex Hoernlein

I was born in Germany and emigrated to Australia with my parents and siblings at the age of 8.

My upbringing was very creative and influenced by the wide open spaces and colours, so unique in the Australian landscape, sky and beaches.

I have been focusing on more abstract elements of colour, shade and shapes and have landed in this whirlpool which is acrylic flow art although brushwork is still my favoured practice

I have successfully undertaken several large commissions, the most recent being a 9 painting installation in January 2020.

I have exhibited at the Berwick Show in 2019, winning first prize and also, a high commendation, in my section and the Cardinia World Inaugural Resin and Flow Art Show and Exhibition 2019 , where I won the Best Flow Artwork prize , also selling Artwork at that exhibition also selling my artworks in other public exhibition spaces.

My work is evolving as I experiment with technique, paint and mediums where my current interest is in metallic interactions using mainly gold and bronze pigments, so many things to try, never enough time.

During the pandemic, i have returned to brush work and have found this to be uplifting but challenging, while trying to bring life to new technique and expression.

All my work is on stretched canvas.

Thank you for your interest.

Artshow: berwick Show 2019
Title: Tree Ring Soul
Award: First prize Best Artwork Acrylic Flow Abstract
Artshow: Berwick Show 2019
Title: Red Desert Riverbed
Award: Highly commended Abstract Acrylic Flow Artwork
Artshow: Cardinia Resin & Flow Art Show and Expo
Title: Pantomime Shimmer
Award: Best Artwork Acrylic Flow
Artshow: Pakenham Art Show
Title: Chinoiserie
Award: Highly Commended
Sponsor: Siri Guru Nanak Dadar
Prize: 100
Artshow: Frankston Rotary Art Show
Title: Paradiso 1/4
Award: 2nd Best oil/Acrylic
Prize: N /,A
Artshow: Frankston Rotary Art Show 2023
Title: Paradiso 1/4
Award: Best Oil/Acrylic 2nd Place
Prize: $250
Artshow: Frankston Rotary Art Show 2023
Title: Paradiso 1/4
Award: Best Oil/Acrylic 2nd Place
Prize: $250
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